
Advanced Broadband Communications Center


Specific Research Center (CER) within the Technical University of Catalunya ("Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya")


The Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA is the acronym of 'Centre de Comunicacions Avançades de Banda Ampla') was set up in January 1994 with the aim of consolidating a multi-disciplinary research group. Currently this center integrates researchers from several Departments which have interests on complementary communications research fields: Integrated Broadband Communications, Optical Communications, and Radio and Mobile Communications.The research center is supported by the University and is being partially funded by the Spanish Education Ministry (MEC) and by the Research Commission of the Catalan Government (CIRIT-CUR) under several grants. Until December 1998 the CCABA was in charge of the management of the UPC Spanish National Host platform. In October 1998, the CCABA has been designated as a Specific Research Center of the UPC.


In January 2021, CCABA has broadened its scope and changed its organisation and members including many other researchers from other research groups of UPC.


This web is updated up to January 2021, just before the new organisation, and is kept as a historic repository.